Growing staples in 2023
Visited Platgate Community Farm in Somerset who have agreed to collaborate with us to growing some rows of crops. Following 6 years cultivating around 5 acres of vegetable beds by hand, Plotgate started some new tractor cultivated beds last year. They grew some kale, broccoli and spring greens on part of a field that had…
Pumpkins are go
So some annuals seem to do really well on the, often wet, levels. The peat acts as a big sponge and in dry summers leveller farmers benefit. Pumpkins were sown on the 8th June and did well despite the very dry summer and only being watered in the first week. Heavy hay mulching seem to…
2022 second year of quinoa, chickpea and lentil trials
Despite a total failure in our small trial beds in 2021 we decided to have another go at growing quinoa and lentils in 2022. For 2021 we tried repeated sowings over the April and May planting season but there was very little sign of growth. Not sure if that was due to something eating the…