Community Benefit Society

field of vegetables
Land ownership and access to land has become prohibitively expensive. 2/3rds of the land is owned by 0.36% of the population. A third of England is still in the possession of the families who were given it by William the Conqueror following the invasion of 1066.

Profit margins on farms tend to be low, there is a steady flow of small farms going bust when adversely effected by weather or price variations. Often these small farms are bought up by a neighbouring large farm or investors that lease the land to large industrialised agriculture operations on 3 year farm business tenancies. The short terms of these tenancies dont give an incentive to think about long term soil health and look after the land.

We would like to change this. Bringing more land into community ownership, where management isn’t focused purely on short term financials and stewardship is shared.

We have a number of people already committed to invest and are actively looking for land and more investors.

community benefit society will use community share offers to raise funds to purchase land.